Mar 28, 2011

Darkness and light

Get Low is set in the 30's and tells the story of the town outcast who decides to throw a funeral party while he's still alive.  Bill Murray is in it so I expected hilarity, but that's not what I got.  It's a sweet movie with some small laughs.  What I mostly came away with was serious love for the lighting in this film.  It's stunning.  The story is all right - entertaining but not so memorable.  5/10 stars.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny you mention light, I used to say that if I come away from a movie talking about the lighting, then I don't recommend the movie.

    I love Stanley Kubrick movies + loved the lighting in "Eyes Wide Shut."

    I was sort-of interested in this movie, but it seems like one I would get from Netflix and it would sit around for 2 weeks.
