May 13, 2009


At the insistance of my lil' brother, I picked up A Confederacy of Dunces. This comic novel is about the immense, whiny, pushy, lying, lazy (and oh so many more things) Ignatius J. Reilly. He does and says many "outrageous" things throughout the tale. I quote the word mainly because I firmly believe that this book was seriously outrageous when it was written, but today I don't think it holds up.

I definitely think Ignatius is an awful person who does lots of wretched things. I'm a bit amused at times but never overly so. I did giggle at his coworker, Miss Trixie, an elderly lady wanting desperately to retire who calls everyone by different names, snarls and bites others, and frequently sleeps on her desk. She I loved. Ignatius I just wanted to kick. I know the point isn't to admire him, but I didn't even find him all that entertaining.

I missed something here I'm sure. It only gets a 4.5 on my scale.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thank you for the comment on my blog. I have friends who sing the praises of this book, but can I tell you how many times I have bought it (at a yard sale, thrift shop) tried to read it, could not get through the first chapter, put it on the shelf, then in the bin for the thrift store? Well, it's a lot of times!
