Jul 9, 2009

Spy vs. spy

At the boy's urging, we Netflixed The Good Shepherd, and I'm glad we did. I hadn't heard much about it which is odd since its chock full of seriously popular actors. It's long (almost 3 hours) and rather slow to get going, but I liked the pace. Its about the beginnings of the CIA.

The one big flaw however was the Jolie / Damon matchup. He always looked juvenile next to her. The ages never seemed right to me. Also John Tuturro who I adore is in this and not used a whole lot.

This won't appeal to all, but I enjoyed it and give it 6 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Angelina Jolie annoyed me to no end in this. I agree with your comment on their ages. Also annoying was the fact that she was in total hysteria for most of it, which often seems to be the extent of her acting?
